
Showing posts from January, 2018

Moving Midway

In this class called Thin Red Lines, we made many had drawn maps and looked at a variety of maps. This term was very exciting for me because most of the Field Experiences we went on have been very active. For our Action Project, we had to Make three separate maps and write at a 500-word explanation about the map. As you can see I have drawn three maps and layered them all on top of each other to show you how they compare. The area I drew around is Midway airport and the three maps are different time periods in the same place where Midway currently sits. Paolo, 2018, Moving Midway #1 Paolo, 2018, Moving Midway #2 Paolo, 2018, Moving Midway #3 This Action Project was a very successful one for me because I made three hand-drawn maps and wrote more than 500 words for each map. For me, this AP was really fun and a new experience because I have never hand drawn a map or explored my neighborhood in such an in-depth way. Drawing three maps was really difficult for me. A...

Blast Off White

I have been in a Rocket Science class for a while and have been doing mini missions which are like actives that get us patches that we can put on our rocket when we launch. For two days strait we have been building a rocket to launch.  We also have been on many FE's that were really fun for me, but my favorite FE would have to be going to the Museum of Science and Industry because I have not been there in a very long time and I learn not only about Rockets but space and other planets. In this Action project me and my class got $1,000,000 to spend on materials to build a rocket and I spent $960,000 so I was really close to one million. We launched the rockets on January 17 this is how it turned out.

Soles of The World. by:PA

This is a slide show of different soles of shoes.I created a three slide slide show with good pictures added on. I also added a video naming great insoles for your shoes. I feel like this AP went well for me because I successfully made it and I used creative commons.