
Showing posts from February, 2018

Born and Raised a Christian

My name is Paolo and Im a freshman in GCE lab school. this AP is for a class called Who am I and we had to make a 2.5-4.5 minute podcast with an essay. My podcast is about me and what my truths and beilfs are. I also interviewed my grandmother to see what her truths and bielefs were and her were very similar to mine. In this humanities class we had one FE which was a GCE students mom coming in to teach us about behavior and how we can relate to dogs by learning what good is and bad. I think that this first half of or class was fun and very interesting for me.   This AP was a very successful AP for me because I did everything that was assigned and listened to the rubric. In the podcast it was really hard to talk because I had to read off a paper I wrote and I kept messing up. If I were to do this AP again I would record my grandmas interview to put on the podcast.

Is Natural Gas that Natural?

In my class called Fuel we are learning about renewable and nonrenewable resources. We are also learning about other things but this is what we're doing our action project about. On February 14, we went to the Tesla car dealership to learn more about how cars are evolving and thing that Tesla is doing. Something else we learned about is math and slopes which you will see in my AP. The thing   that I think will stay with me is calculating to get the slope because doing it really helps in math. In this class we went on one FE witch was the Tesla car show room and I really enjoyed it but it didn't really help me with the class or the AP.   This first part of the class was really good for me but at the same time I struggled in some areas. The part I think I struggled most in were finding the slope and doing the equations.Something I think I did really well in is learning about nonrenewable resources. In this AP I felt I succeeded in making my graph and I felt like I didn'...