The Issue on Climate Change
The class my Action Project is for is called "Food for Thought". In this class there are three units; Life, Death, and Birth. This Essay is for our Death course which we learned and studied about food. We left our school to go on a few Field Experiences. One field Experiences that I learned from and enjoyed was going to the Lincon Park Conservatory. I enjoyed this because I learned a lot about plants and animals that I would never come across on a regular day. Even though I did enjoy this Field Experience I think it would have been better if we went to the Garfield park Conservatory because that one is such bigger and I could have learned and took away more from it. Another thing that I enjoyed was writing this paper because I thought I would know everything I had to write but I had to research a couple things. In this class we had to choose a topic to talk and write about and I picked climate change because its a topic I'm familiar with.