Th∊ ⊆h∊∊tah

My name is PA and in this class called Population. We are learning how to solve and do set theory and taxonomic levels. We learned about more but this is what’s mostly in our action project. We went on one Field Experience this term to Lincoln Park Zoo. I really enjoyed going to the zoo because I haven't been there in a while. We had to pick an animal, list the taxonomic level of the animal and take a picture. I picked the cheetah but it was not out while we were at the zoo so I couldn't get a picture. We had to draw a picture of our animal and label the taxonomic levels and why they were what they are. That is about half of the Action Project. We had to do a lot more, but I don't want to spoil it all, here my first Action Project of the year is.

I chose the Cheetah it’s, scientific name is Acinonyx jubatus. The cheetah has many interesting traits including its speed. I picked the cheetah because it a very interesting animal. This box below explains the Taxonomic level of my animal and shows why there what they are.

Taxonomic Level
My organism’s group
Key characteristics of group
Spinal column
Live offspring, has hair, live birth
Eats meat
Tail, claws, pointy ears
46- 160 pounds, can run 50-75 mph
claws, pointy ears

"Cheetah" by PA (2018)

"Cheetah" photo taken in 2017

This is a venn diagram of a cheetah, fennec fox, and the red kangaroo. Me SN and BA all compared our animals.

U = {cheetahs, house dogs, bears, squirrels, house cats, chickens, wolf}

This is the Universe everything not in the universe is not real for now.

1. A. A cheetah is a element of the set of furry animal.
B. Cheetah ∊ Furry

2. A. A house dogs, bears, squirrels, house cats, and a wolf are an element of a furry animal.
B. Furry = {house dogs, bears, squirrels, house cats, wolf}

3. A. house dogs, bears, squirrels, house cats, wolf ∊ furry
B. These animals are all furry.
4. A. Cheetah is not an element of herbivore.
B. cheetah ∉ Herbivore

5. A. A cheetah has a spotted and a tail
B. Spotted ⋂ Tail = {cheetah}

6. A cheetah is not an element of a slow animal
Cheetah ∉ Slow
A cheetah is a element of a mammal
Cheetah ∊ Mammal

The cheetah is mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa but some can be found in southern Algeria, northern Nigeria and Iran. Cheetah's like dry but open glasslands so they have space to run and kill. They mostly like eating gazelles and medium-sized antelope. When finding food, female cheetah hunt  with cubs but the male cheetah often hunt and live in groups which is called a coalition. The average life spans of a cheetah is 10-12 years. Something crazy that a cheetah is famous for is being the fastest land animal.They can run up to 75 MPH.


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